Welcome to After Dark Cigar Co.

Be Humble.
Smoke Cigars.

After Dark Cigar Co was born from a passion for premium cigars and meaningful conversations. We provide a space where individuals can enjoy cigars without drama or hidden agendas. Join us to relax, connect, and savor the moment.


Experience the convenience of shopping online at After Dark Cigar Co. Browse through our curated selection of premium cigars and accessories, all available at your fingertips.


Discover competitive pricing and superior quality at After Dark Cigar Co. We offer exceptional cigars that meet the highest standards without compromise.


Experience exclusive access to our sophisticated lounge at After Dark Cigar Co. Immerse yourself in a refined environment tailored for discerning cigar enthusiasts.

About After Dark Cigar Co.


After Dark Cigar Co was founded with a deep passion for premium cigars and the enriching conversations they inspire. Our mission is to create a welcoming environment free of drama and hidden agendas, where cigar enthusiasts can connect, share stories, and savor the art of smoking. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a curious newcomer, our community is dedicated to celebrating the enjoyment of fine cigars in a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.


Cigar Of The Month

Each month, After Dark Cigar Co proudly highlights a standout selection from our premium collection as our Featured Cigar of the Month. This curated choice offers a unique smoking experience, showcasing exceptional craftsmanship, distinct flavors, and superior quality. Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or new to the world of cigars, our featured selection promises to provide a memorable and enjoyable experience. Join us in celebrating the art of cigar smoking with our handpicked monthly favorite.
Cigar Shop | After Dark Cigars | Private Cigar Lounge in Ocoee, FL | AfterDarkCigars.com
Cigar Of The Month?


Flavor Profile:

Describe the range of flavors and aromas present in the cigar, such as notes of chocolate, spice, cedar, or leather.


Indicate the nicotine content and overall impact of the cigar, often classified as mild, medium, or full strength.


Refers to the cigar's strength and intensity, often categorized as mild, medium, or full-bodied.


The outermost leaf of the cigar, contributing significantly to the flavor and appearance. Common types include Connecticut, Maduro, and Habano.

Shop Now


Discover a curated selection of premium cigars and accessories at After Dark Cigar Co. Dive into our meticulously chosen categories to find the perfect cigars and enhance your smoking experience with top-quality accessories.

Individual Cigars

Explore our diverse selection of individual premium cigars, each offering a unique flavor profile and exceptional quality to suit any preference.

Cigar Boxes

Discover our curated collection of cigar boxes, perfect for connoisseurs looking to stock up on their favorite brands or explore new ones.


Find top-quality cigar accessories, including cutters, lighters, humidors, and more, to enhance your smoking experience and keep your cigars in perfect condition.

Starter Kits

Our starter kits provide everything a newcomer needs to begin their journey into the world of premium cigars, with carefully selected essentials to get you started.

Individual Cigars

Explore our diverse selection of individual premium cigars, each offering a unique flavor profile and exceptional quality to suit any preference.

Cigar Boxes

Discover our curated collection of cigar boxes, perfect for connoisseurs looking to stock up on their favorite brands or explore new ones.


Find top-quality cigar accessories, including cutters, lighters, humidors, and more, to enhance your smoking experience and keep your cigars in perfect condition.

Starter Kits

Our starter kits provide everything a newcomer needs to begin their journey into the world of premium cigars, with carefully selected essentials to get you started.

After Dark Cigar Co.

Be Humble. Smoke Cigars.

Unlock exclusive privileges and elevate your cigar experience with a membership at After Dark Cigar Co. Join today to gain access to our private lounge, enjoy curated selections of premium cigars, and immerse yourself in a community of aficionados. Discover the benefits of membership and embrace the finer moments of cigar culture with us."

“After Dark Cigars is my go-to spot for a cozy and inclusive cigar experience. The selection is great, the vibe is welcoming, and the staff is friendly. Perfect for anyone looking to enjoy a good cigar in a laid-back setting.”


Members Only Location

Enjoy exclusive access to our sophisticated cigar lounge.

Walk-in Humidor

Our climate-controlled humidor ensures perfectly balanced humidity and temperature, offering an optimal environment for our cigars.

Premium Cigar Selection

We offer over 150 premium cigar brands for our members' enjoyment.

Guest Policy

Members can bring guests or introduce future members to our community.

Customer Testimonials

Hear What Our Guests Have to Say

At After Dark Cigar Co, our customers' experiences are at the heart of what we do. We take pride in the quality of our cigars and the community we've built. Don’t just take our word for it—read on to discover what our guests have to say about their experiences with our premium cigars and exceptional service.

After Dark Cigars is a hidden gem in Winter Garden, Florida. The prices are great and the ambiance is amazing. The owner, Mark, is doing a fantastic job. The cigar selection is impressive and the staff is knowledgeable and friendly. The seating area is perfect for enjoying a cigar and a drink. I highly recommend After Dark Cigars to anyone looking for a great cigar experience.”


Certified Google Review

Can't say enough good things about this spot! The owner is so kind and welcoming. The people who hang out here are some of the nicest people I've met. Everyone was happy to see us and we felt like we were amongst longtime friends. 10/10 absolutely recommend!


Certified Google Review

Google did me right on this find. Place is everything you want in a great lounge. Mark the owner was super friendly, and welcomed me with open arms. Was able to get a couple smokes and enjoy some great conversation. Looking forward to calling this place home… can’t wait for football season!! Thanks again!!


Certified Google Review

To say this establishment is a hidden gem would not do it justice. To say it was a diamond in the ruff would be an understatement. The owner here has finely tuned what just may be perfection. In a world that thrives on chaos he has crafted an oasis for the gentlemen, and women, that want a home away from home. Make sure to try the house “snub nose” cigar.


Certified Google Review

Sometimes you want a place you can go and just enjoy a cigar without the drama. This is the place. Mark is a down to earth guy who seems to care about his guest and what they smoke. The place has a great selection of cigars and ambiance feels just right. If you are looking for that one place you can enjoy a cigar, this is it.


Certified Google Review

I can’t not begin to explain how amazing this place is! It is not only a lounge that is relaxed and inviting but the people here really make you feel part of a community! Mark is one of the most welcoming business owners I have met and I recommend this place to everyone I know! It really feels more like a sanctuary and a place to enjoy with friends without having to look or dress a certain way. I come Friday nights and every week I look forward to my time here! If you haven’t been here yet, get here!


Certified Google Review

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